The month of November is typically a time to sit back and reflect on the past year, to express gratitude and thankfulness for milestones and accomplishments, and to appreciate the people that have contributed to that success. Despite the rollercoaster that 2020 has been, this year is no exception. We have so much for which to be thankful as we continue to make progress towards our goals. We have also been fortunate enough to raise enough funds to add two additional team members to the team. Both have hit the ground running by helping to drive product development and customer success.  Look for spotlights of them in the near future.

…and Celebration!

Well, we did it! With less fanfare than anticipated, at just before 5pm Eastern in mid-October, we gathered on a Zoom call and moved the first dollar between two checking accounts in production at our first pilot client. It was exciting to see the system that we’ve drawn on whiteboards and diagramed out for so long, respond the way we expected without any issues. It was a huge milestone and one that we will not forget for quite some time.

I could not be more proud of the team for getting us to this point. This was a labor of love. A culmination of hard work and dedication from a number of individuals starting over a year ago. It was the next big step in our story of bridging the P2P gap for Financial Institutions by expanding the network of traditional real-time P2P with direct connectivity to popular FinTech solutions. Stay tuned as we announce more details around these integrations and why we think it will change P2P moving forward.

In addition to the first transaction, we were also able to finalize our initial round of pilot testing with no major issues. Throughout the process, we have gathered and incorporated valuable feedback including the client’s excitement for the ability to easily adjust settings to meet their unique needs without long development cycles or delays. 

While we want to be intentional about celebrating these achievements, we also cannot help but look forward to what comes next. We continue to build relationships with 3rd party FinTechs, mobile banking providers, and payment networks. Our feature-set continues to grow as we incorporate new use cases and functionality into the product. Finally, we are days away from increasing our network by kicking off with our second pilot client.

Thank you again, to all who have contributed to getting us to this point.  We could not have done it without you.

Best regards,
